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Why appoint a structural engineer?

It is simple, structural engineers are known to be specialist creators of buildings. They are known to make big complex infrastructure structures as well as buildings designs, both small and high rise buildings, property repairs and extensions.

They are known to be people who work or, should we say, are totally concerned with the skeleton of any structure including walls, beams, foundations, columns, and roofing—all of which form a building structure.

They are also involved in adding ideas to the design and construction of small buildings like homes, lodges, schools, and shopping malls, as well as in the creation of larger structures like office blocks, large hotels, stadiums, factories, and parks, amusement parks, bridges, water dams, etc.

Furthermore, when the stability of a property is affected the structural engineer is called to further examine the degree of damage and what remedial action can be applied to restore that same building back to live.

A Structural Engineer must have a degree in Engineering and a minimum of 4 years of design experience. In addition to that, s/he must pass a challenging seven-hour exam and interview to obtain a Chartered Engineer (CEng) status with a recognized Engineering Institution such as the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) or the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). The training does not stop right there. The institution also asks for five days of professional development annually. We can simplify it better by saying the movement is quite the same with solicitors [lawyers], architects, accountants, and doctors.

How does a structural engineer improve works?

Buildings are costly and unique in their varying capacities or the degree of pressure they can take from the environment. Therefore, buildings must be made and built correctly for the first time. And this is only possible by employing skilled professional engineers and a workforce that can execute the engineer’s design on the field.

Moreover, structure accounts for about 30 percent of all building costs, with the rest being split between land costs, fit-out, legal fees, and services. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the correct structure is chosen to suit the exact scope of the project, final use, location, etc.; the structural system is the primary nucleus, which forms the base on which all other trades hinge from time to time. Any mistake can ruin the very life of the building for a long time. These are the times we see a defect in one part and another, which makes us spend a lot on maintenance, which can very well be avoided.

Vanguard Solutions have the needed expertise in various building methods and approaches. This offers us a sound base for seeking ways to create new projects and renovate the old existing structures. Our bespoke design approaches can be applied to lessen costs and rectify mistakes of any type.

Benefits of Working with Vanguard Solutions

  • We design extensions and alterations to existing structures.
  • We advise on structural matters, especially when it comes to disputes and legal cases.
  • We can advice on different materials needed for the project.
  • We inspect and report back to you regularly.
  • We undertake survey works to the structure to find out defects i.e. cracks, etc.
  • We administer a contract for construction and repairs.
  • We propose corrective works such as underpinning and foundation strengthening.
  • We prepare alternative solutions and offer cost advice.
  • We prepare drawings and structural design calculations.
  • We obtain the tenders and all forms of Building Regulations consent.